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Why is there a cold and flu season and how to be prepared for it?

Why is there a cold and flu season and how to be prepared for it?

Sep 13th 2023 Vivian Russo
Image by prostooleh on Freepik We hear these terms being thrown around, but what is the science behind them? As we understand the propensity of a certain time of year we’ll learn how to protect ourselves from it as much as possible. The CDC say although influenza (flu) viruses are detected year-round, they circulate more often in the USA during the period of September through March. [1] This may be for a number of reasons:In the northern hemisphere this is when the seasons transit …
Tips For A Safe Summer In The Sun

Tips For A Safe Summer In The Sun

Aug 3rd 2023 Vivian Russo
As people flock to the beaches and enjoy extra time in the sun, it’s important to take precautionary measures that will keep you healthy long-term. You’ll be able to enjoy the warm summer weather while protecting your skin.Many of us roll our eyes when we hear the statement “wear sunscreen!”, since it reminds us of our mothers caring for us during our younger more-rebellious years. But all jokes aside there’s science to back up this claim.The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) launches a camp …
7 Best Ways to Take Care of Your Skin Naturally

7 Best Ways to Take Care of Your Skin Naturally

Oct 13th 2021 David S
  Most of us have gone through a lot with our skin. Acne scars or discoloration, in general, is something we all face regardless of our gender and age. Learning to understand it, care for it, and eventually embrace it does not happen overnight.We all have goals in life, whether related to physical appearance or financial standing. We need to stop and think about how these goals are achieved? Through small actions! And what’s another word for small actions? Habits! Today, we will talk about …
How To Prevent Heart Disease?

How To Prevent Heart Disease?

Aug 30th 2021
Taking Care of Your Heart to Live LongerThere are almost 18 million people around the world that die due to cardiovascular diseases every year. This number keeps increasing as people don’t adhere to a healthy lifestyle. Cardiovascular diseases are a bevy of various diseases related to your blood vessels and heart, such as heart disease, ischemia, cerebrovascular disease, heart enlargement, and coronary heart disease. Four of five individuals who succumbed to cardiovascular diseases are ca …
A Quick Guide to Raising Emotionally Healthy Children

A Quick Guide to Raising Emotionally Healthy Children

Aug 23rd 2021
A Quick Guide to Raising your ChildWhether you’re a first-time parent or not, raising a child can get pretty tough. No matter how many books you’ve read or how thorough you’ve done your research, it’s still different when you’re raising a child because each one of them requires a different approach in nurturing and being taken care of. It’s okay to feel that all of the preparations you did were not enough, what matters is how are you going to take that challenge and turn it into a joyful m …
How Does COVID-19 Impact Your Oral Health?

How Does COVID-19 Impact Your Oral Health?

Aug 16th 2021
The Impact of COVID-19 On Oral Health In 2000, a study was conducted by the Surgeon General on Oral Health , the first of its kind. The report made it very clear that our overall well-being and good health are affected by our oral health. We use our mouths multiple times throughout our lives; whether it is by speaking, eating, or smiling, it plays a part in our quality of life. When cared for properly, many of the oral conditions, including those related to periodontal dis …
Alzheimer's And Its  Effect On Oral Health

Alzheimer's And Its Effect On Oral Health

Aug 16th 2021
Alzheimer’s And Its Effect On Oral Health For older adults, one of the leading causes of immobility is that of dementia.  Dementia is a neurodegenerative disease that can significantly affect the ability of the elderly to perform the most basic of their daily activities. Although research continues on the disease, at this time , Alzheimer's has no known specific cause.  What is known is that the average age for those with onset Alzheimer's is usually 65 years of …
Prescription Drug Addiction and Overdose

Prescription Drug Addiction and Overdose

Aug 16th 2021
Getting addicted to and potentially overdosing on prescription drugs is a very real thing – and it doesn’t just happen to people who seek risky thrills. Even ordinary individuals taking the medications they need to live normal, happy lives without pain or sickness can fall victim to prescription drug addiction. Knowing how to prevent that from happening can save lives, not just from the detrimental effects of addiction, but also from the irreversible effects of overdose. Unintent …